Very interested that consumers in NZ can use smartphone to trace an item source via QR code

The news below shown that New Zealand consumers now can get an accessing to the  information of an item source with their own device (smartphone). This makes them can easily to select the item that came from a safe source, place and production process. The product owner can also fully claim that their products are safe since they can prove by the trace information which allow consumers to check by themselves.

The news below was from 
written by CATHY SIEGNER | NOVEMBER 12, 2015

Food Traceability Tool Developed in New Zealand Uses QR Codes

A traceability system developed in New Zealand uses Quick Response (QR) codes so consumers with smartphones can have an easily accessible history of the source and status of an item, whether it happens to be a dairy product, a car, or any other merchandise.

IDlocate is a relatively new product developed by a company based in Auckland, NZ. Companies implementing the system pay a one-time setup charge and then a monthly maintenance fee, while consumers interested in their brands can use it for free.

Woman scanning food with phone at storeSimon Bell, who handles technical and operational issues for the company, explained that the generated information can alert consumers to a food fraud problem, a related recall, or other issues involving a particular product. ... read full news from


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